And so, let's figure out whether express diets work or don't work in general and in particular.
What processes are triggered in the body during express diets? What causes rapid weight loss, as a rule?
The essence of express diets, as a rule, is short-term and very strict dietary restrictions. First of all, carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. If carbohydrates do not enter the body, then a protective mechanism is triggered - gluconeogenesis - the process of creating glucose from non-carbohydrate compounds. But, unfortunately, the body does not use adipose tissue for this, even if it is present in the body in excess. The body produces glucose from muscle tissue - myocytes. They are an ideal option for creating glucose. Therefore, with express diets, we lose mainly muscle, and fat remains with us. It is important to know that carbohydrates are the main source of energy: the brain and red blood cells need the constant presence of glucose in the blood. When carbohydrates enter the body in sufficient quantities, the body can "store" them in the form of a complex substance called glycogen in the liver and muscles. This "reserve" is enough for a short period of time. For example, with high-quality cardio training, the entire glycogen reserve in the body is already consumed in 30–40 minutes. Therefore, after training it is often recommended to eat a protein sweet bar, or even a piece of chocolate. And when we refuse protein, we deprive the body’s cells of building material for muscles and immunoglobulin, which is responsible for immunity.

What is the main mistake of those who choose such methods of losing weight?
If it is necessary to adjust your body weight, you need to completely review your diet - once and for all. A strict diet or even fasting for 1, 2 or 3 weeks will not solve the problem, and most likely will only worsen it, having a negative impact on your health and psychological state. The pursuit of a slim figure in a short time leads to serious changes in the body and provokes an exacerbation of existing diseases and even the emergence of new health problems. In some cases, short-term fasting is acceptable, but only for medical reasons and under the supervision of a doctor.
What are the dangers of a sharp calorie deficit, especially for women?
Losing weight in a short time can affect both appearance and the functioning of internal organs and all body systems. With express diets, the following changes occur:
- Lack of nutrients, vitamins and dehydration deprive the brain of carbohydrates - and this is a building and energy substrate, the "fuel" of the body. Its deficiency can cause headaches, memory and mood deterioration. Therefore, breakdowns often occur after such diets and often you crave sweets or starchy foods, just as during psycho-emotional experiences and anxiety.
- With a sharp loss of body weight, blood counts deteriorate, and the cardiovascular system does not keep up with the changes, as a result, health worsens, and the load on the cardiovascular system increases.
- Proteins are the main source of essential substances for immune cells and antibodies. Its deficiency in the diet reduces immunity.
- An unbalanced diet or fasting leads to hypovitaminosis: the condition of hair and nails worsens, the skin becomes dry and flabby.
- Sharp weight loss with express diets occurs due to the loss of muscles and water; as a result, a person loses weight, but gets a loose body, since the skin does not have time to shrink.
- The menstrual cycle is disrupted, libido decreases, and the reproductive system goes into "energy saving" mode.
- Intestinal function deteriorates, and the risk of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract increases. The body is adapted to regularly take in food and process it, but on express diets this coordinated work is disrupted.
Hunger for several days. Why is this dangerous?
Proponents of diets usually explain complete refusal of food by the fact that it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins. But prolonged fasting leads to negative consequences. Organs and tissues of the body lose their ability to absorb nutrients. The result is loss of muscle mass, dehydration, hormonal imbalance and metabolic inhibition. The body perceives the cessation of the usual supply of nutrients as an emergency situation and, when a normal diet returns, it begins to urgently accumulate energy sources - fats, in case of a repetition of the stress just experienced.
Why do people in most cases gain weight again after exhausting diets? How to maintain the effect of the diet?
An express diet is stressful, and under stress, the body begins to synthesize the hormone cortisol in large quantities, which allows you to maintain blood glucose levels due to the breakdown of muscle tissue, the formation of which requires a balanced diet. As a result, crash diets slow down metabolism, and weight begins to increase even with a regular or low-calorie diet. Returning to normal eating habits contributes to even greater deposition of adipose tissue - this is the body's protective reaction in case of the next stress.
Losing extra pounds is just the first stage of working on your body. If a person chooses stressful ways to fight excess weight, then he is unlikely to be able to maintain the result.
Is it possible to lose weight quickly without harming your health?
More likely no than yes. Reducing weight in this way, even under the strict supervision of a doctor, replenishing vitamin deficiencies, the body will still perceive it as stress. The degree of harm will depend on the body's resources.
How to "exit" such diets correctly? What are the ground rules?
You can't stick to a diet forever. Even the longest diet eventually ends and there is a need to switch to a normal diet, and uncontrolled food consumption will quickly return lost kilograms and add new ones. Basic rules for switching to balanced nutrition after express diets:
- It is necessary to continue to eat small portions. Even healthy food in large quantities can be harmful, since the metabolism has not yet returned to normal.
- Fatty foods and carbohydrates should be introduced into the diet carefully. You should add avocados, vegetable oils, nuts, fatty fish, various cereals, and fruits to your menu. And completely exclude flour and sweets.
- In the first days after the diet, you can increase the amount of vegetables and dairy products in your diet, and not get carried away with meat and sweet fruits.
- Constantly drink clean drinking water, at least 1 liter, in addition to other liquids.
- Every day you can introduce two new foods into your diet, rather than eating everything at once.
- The calorie content of the diet should be increased gradually.
- In the first week, it is important that the basis of the diet consists of foods from the diet (but other foods can also be gradually added).
- It should be remembered that you should not snack while reading or watching TV series. After all, at such moments it is easy to overeat.
- It is advisable that the last meal be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
- It is important to remember about physical activity. And if the load was reduced during the diet, you should not immediately perform heavy training. It is better to return to sports gradually.
What role does physical activity/sports play in losing weight?
Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle: we walk little, many work in the office or remotely, and are limited in time. Physical activity keeps your body fit and at a healthy weight, and everyone needs to find affordable options for physical activity. To get rid of 1 kilogram of fat you need to spend 7700 kcal. This can be achieved not only through an extreme calorie deficit and muscle loss, which is harmful to health, but also by increasing household activity and sports: walking more - at least 5 km a day, including cardio training - swimming pool, stepper, etc. . If you are overweight, you can lose up to 1 kg of fat per week and up to 4-5 kg per month, provided you eat a balanced diet with the right proteins and carbohydrates. A balanced diet and activity, which can be reduced or left at the same level, will also help maintain results. Exhausting yourself with strength training without the supervision of a specialist is not recommended, since it is not only traumatic, but also unsafe for the body, since this type of training requires special attention to nutrition and is very energy-consuming.